Friends of Bathurst Basin are delighted to learn that the Planning Inspectorate has dismissed Hugh and Judith Pratt’s appeal against the City Council’s refusal to allow them to fell the mature ash tree on Guinea Street.
The appeal decision was made on 4th February following a site visit by the Inspector on 27th January. Several reasons were given for the decision to dismiss.
- the tree helps to soften the dense built form in this location;
- the tree displayed the expected vigour and vitality for its age and species;
- there is no substantiated evidence to demonstrate that the tree would come to an early demise or that it would raise concerns for public safety.
The Inspector concluded: ‘the proposed felling of the Ash tree would result in significant harm to the character and appearance of the CA [Redcliffe Conservation Area] and, in my judgement, insufficient justification has been demonstrated for the proposed felling’.