The Friends of Bathurst Basin campaign to keep the Basin an attractive place to live, work and play. We are not against proposals that improve the area – indeed the Basin has thrived on new residential developments from Merchants Landing in the 1980s to the more recent General and Iron Foundry.
However the shortage of city sites for development inevitably tempts developers into schemes that can harm historical sites or worsen the environment for current residents. We will be ever watchful to keep Bathurst Basin free of such developments.
Recent planning applications
The following planning applications involve Bathurst Basin or areas close by. The links in the titles are to our coverage of the issues. This is the link to the Bristol City Council planning search webpage.
- Guinea Street tree felling: planning application number 23/00620/VP. Application refused on 11th July 2023. The Pratts have appealed against the decision.
- Guinea Street tree felling – again: planning application number 24/00076/VP
- Application to fell trees: planning application number 23/00619/VC. Trees felled without permission.
- Security fencing along Commercial Road: application number 22/02909/FB. Application refused on 6th June 2023.
- Removal of Country and City advertising boards: application number 20/02311/A
Current and recent campaigns

Water quality testing
Water quality testing in Bathurst Basin has been resumed three years after testing was re-started elsewhere in the Float Harbour.

Marchioness jetty
We do not support a proposal to build a 96m jetty along the New Cut close to the Basin.

Railway cutting
We are concerned about a proposal to build a block of flats in the railway cutting alongside Guinea Street.

The Ebenhaezer
Proposed move of a large barge, The Ebenhaezer, into Bathurst Basin. FOBB writes to the Mayor with detailed concerns.