Fixmystreet around the Basin

Residents around Bathurst Basin have raised a number of issues on Fixmystreet as our image reveals. They include:

  • The poor resurfacing of Guinea Street. A resident pointed out that ‘the contractors have tarmacked over all the drains and left manhole covers now sunk approximately 50 cm beneath the surface of the tarmac causing multiple potholes in the road’. Status: currently under investigation.
  • Light and its cover need repair along Bathurst Parade. Status: ‘appropriate repairs or maintenance will be undertaken as soon as they can.’
  • Poor state of the road over Bathurst Bridge. Status: ‘This enquiry has been referred to another team for action. They will provide further updates on the issue in due course.’

We have also raised with the Harbour Master the poor state of the landing stage in the entrance to the Basin (image below). The initial response was simply to place a ‘Do not Moor’ notice, which no longer appears due to further damage.




Tony Moore, the Deputy Harbour Master, has explained that ‘the timbers became so rotten that we had to remove it as it was getting very dangerous. As you may be aware the platforms were erected over the old lock gates that sit below the surface but were not intended for any vessels to moor. We will be tidying the area and making it safe but have no intentions of replacing the platforms.’ The old landing stage has been replaced as our image shows.

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