The Planning officer’s report on the Marchioness jetty proposal (Application No. 19/01925/F) has been published. The report will be considered by the Development Control Committee B to be held on 18th March 2020 when a final decision is made.
The report recommends that the proposal be rejected.
The Report argues:
“… the application fails to demonstrate that the scale, form and overall design of the landing stage and boundary treatments would appear as a sympathetic form of development which would enhance or contribute positively to the character, appearance, identity and distinctiveness of the Conservation Area. The potential use of the landing stage for car parking purposes would be considered visually intrusive in this location. For the above reasons, the application fails to demonstrate that the proposals would preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.”
This contrasted with Councillor Paul Smith’s view that:
“… the application aims to restore a derelict jetty on the new cut and as such I believe it should be supported on conservation grounds and also to enhance the riverside in this area.”
The final decision rests entirely with the elected members meeting on the 18th March.