Graffiti promptly removed
A quick response by the City Council removes unwelcome graffiti on Bathurst Parade planters.
Kennet and Avon Canal Race 2023
As in previous years, the finish of the 2023 145-mile Kennet and Avon Canal Race was hosted by the John Sebastian in Bathurst Basin.
State of Commercial Road
We have two concerns about the state of Commercial Road: its gullies and drainage pipes need repair and the road surface along Bathurst Bridge has become a hazard for cyclists.
Guinea Street tree felling
The application to fell a mature ash tree on Guinea Street has been refused.
Breakfast at the Ostrich
Bathurst Basin residents may well be tempted to enjoy breakfast at the Ostrich.
Water quality testing resumes
Good news for recreational users of Bathurst Basin: Eric Dougall of Bristol City Council Harbour staff has informed us that water quality testing will be resumed here, starting in July.
Trees felled
Five ash trees on the bank of the Avon New Cut along Commercial Road have been felled by the owner of the Marchioness, Hugh Pratt.
Cumberland Road Bus Gate: update
The objections to a permanent Bus Gate on Cumberland Road have been unsuccessful. Driving from the west the only route available to Bathurst Basin residents will continue to be along Coronation Road.
Security fence application refused
The planning application for security fencing on a section of the Avon New Cut along Commercial Road has been refused.
Blues, jazz and paella
As an Underfall Yard and Judicial Review fundraiser, Cabot Cruising Club are hosting Blues, Jazz and Paella on Friday 16th June
‘Outlaws’ film crew in Bathurst Basin
During the week beginning 23rd May, the John Sebastian car park was protected by security staff allowing access only to the ‘Outlaws’ film crew who are working close by.
Unpaid Community Support Team
The Probation Service South West has deployed a six-man team to complete maintenance work around Bathurst Basin as part of the Community Payback scheme.
City & Country Signs
Advertising boards on the corner of Guinea Street and Lower Guinea Street should have been removed in May 2022. They are still with us.
Coronation tea party
On 7th May 2023, Merchants Landing residents gathered along Bathurst Parade for a tea party to mark the coronation of Charles III.
Mast upgraded to 5G
Vodaphone have lifted the old communications mast on Coronation Road and secured into position a replacement mast that carries the new generation 5G equipment for mobile phones.
New Cut bank instability
Due to heavy recent rains, there has been a series of mud slips on the bank of the Avon New Cut, threatening the stability of Coronation Road at this point.
Beaver in Avon New Cut
On 13th April a beaver was spotted exploring the bank of the Avon New Cut underneath Bedminster Bridge.
Rise in harbour pollution
E.Coli readings in the Floating Harbour rose significantly in early April – to 9,780 counts per 100ml at the Baltic Wharf site.
Underfall Yard sluice repairs
The Bristol City Council application for Environment Agency funding to repair the Underfall Yard sluices has been successful.
New pedestrian bridge?
The Bristol City Council Cabinet Member for Transport has suggested that a new bridge across the Avon New Cut should be seriously considered.