City & Country Signs
Advertising boards on the corner of Guinea Street and Lower Guinea Street should have been removed in May 2022. They are still with us.

Coronation tea party
On 7th May 2023, Merchants Landing residents gathered along Bathurst Parade for a tea party to mark the coronation of Charles III.

Mast upgraded to 5G
Vodaphone have lifted the old communications mast on Coronation Road and secured into position a replacement mast that carries the new generation 5G equipment for mobile phones.

New Cut bank instability
Due to heavy recent rains, there has been a series of mud slips on the bank of the Avon New Cut, threatening the stability of Coronation Road at this point.

Beaver in Avon New Cut
On 13th April a beaver was spotted exploring the bank of the Avon New Cut underneath Bedminster Bridge.

Rise in harbour pollution
E.Coli readings in the Floating Harbour rose significantly in early April – to 9,780 counts per 100ml at the Baltic Wharf site.

Underfall Yard sluice repairs
The Bristol City Council application for Environment Agency funding to repair the Underfall Yard sluices has been successful.

New pedestrian bridge?
The Bristol City Council Cabinet Member for Transport has suggested that a new bridge across the Avon New Cut should be seriously considered.

Michelin Guide restaurants 2023
Restaurants close to Bathurst Basin are mentioned in the 2023 Michelin Guide, including Paco Tapas, Box E and Root.

CCTV in the Basin
To tackle knife crime, Bristol City Council will spend over £650,000 improve CCTV coverage on local authority land over the next two years.

Boat fire in the Basin
Several fire brigade units were in attendance at Bathurst Basin when fire broke out in one of the Cabot Cruising Club boats.

Pavement parking
A Bristol City Council notice has recently been posted on the pavement opposite the Iron Foundry indicating that parking in this area requires a permit.

Application to fell trees
There has been an application from Dr Pratt to fell five ash trees on the bank of the Avon New Cut along Commercial Road.

Guinea Street closure
There is a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order closure of Guinea Street from Redcliff Hill to Alfred Place.

Bristol Harbour fees
At a Bristol City Council Cabinet Meeting held on 24th January 2023, city docks fees were raised substantially to make the harbour financially viable and improve facilities.

Commercial Road drains
Using the Fix My Street website we have reported problems with the drains along Commercial Road which struggle to cope during heavy rainfall.

Local landmarks removed
The last of the two large teepee tents, erected in October 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been removed from the Ostrich.

Cumberland Road bus gate
The temporary closure of Cumberland Road to east-bound traffic will soon be permanent if Bristol City Council succeeds in introducing a ‘bus gate’ to the east of Gas Ferry Road.

Basin partially frozen
The temperatures have been low enough to partially freeze Bathurst Basin, but not as severe as that experienced in December 2010.

Bird flu
Bird Flu has been detected in the harbour and Defra’s notice near Prince Street bridge sets out steps to avoid spreading it.