Partial closure of York Road

Friends of the Avon New Cut has received an email from the Council’s Transport Engagement Team about emergency works to the New Cut river wall along York Road which will result in partial road closures, affecting travel for Bathurst Basin residents. This is what they wrote:

Electronic sensors are showing that movement of a 120 metre stretch of masonry wall near Langton Street Bridge is speeding up, and the river wall could fail if urgent action is not taken.

We have programmed in emergency repairs to the wall on the York Road side of the New Cut, either side of Langton Street Bridge, which is currently closed for repair work as part of our programme to restore six bridges across the New Cut.

These emergency work includes placing one-tonne bags along the bank of the river to reduce the tidal pressure on the wall. This will help to secure it until long-term works are carried out.

Road closure information

The work is expected to take around twelve weeks and will start with vegetation clearance working with an ecologist. Due to the size of the equipment needed to carry it out, part of York Road will need to close during the emergency works.

To maintain as much access as possible, the work will be carried out in two phases:

Phase one will see York Road closed between St Luke’s Road towards Bath Bridges roundabout for six weeks.

Phase two will see York Road closed between St Luke’s Road and Spring Street for six weeks.

The diversions will be signposted, but we’re asking people to consider their journeys through this area and to make decisions further ahead to avoid surrounding streets.

Access to properties and businesses (including Shell and Honda) along York Road will be maintained as will access for pedestrians and cyclists.

To gain access to the embankment for the emergency repairs, unfortunately four trees will need to be felled/pruned back under the guidance of ecologists. These will be replaced with new trees as part of the long-term repairs.

The long-term, permanent repairs are estimated to take up to two years to complete, and include:

installing a sheet-piled retaining wall at the top of the bank to stabilise York Road
building a concrete piled wall behind the existing river wall
planting trees and vegetation along the 120 metre section of stabilised embankment
While it’s good news that the emergency repairs will be starting soon, the temporary closure of part of York Road will undoubtedly cause disruption in the area and it’s always a last resort to remove any trees.

We’d like to thank everyone ahead of time for their understanding while we carry out these important works to safeguard the future of Bristol’s harbourside assets.

To keep up to date with the programme, please visit

More details on the BBC coverage.

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