Set up in May 2019, Friends of Bathurst Basin has been active in preserving and enhancing the area where we live, work and enjoy leisure activities. As 2019 comes to a close, we take stock of our activities over the last seven months.
FOBB has created links with
- Bristol City Council
- Parks and Estates
- Harbour Master Office
- Air and Water Quality Office
- FrANC: Friends of Avon New Cut
- RRAG: Redcliffe Residents Action Group
- RWRA: Redcliffe West Residents Association
FOBB has mounted 3 campaigns
- The Ebenhaezer Barge:
successfully objected to the barge transfer into the Basin. - Proposal to build a 96-meter jetty along the New Cut:
placed a planning objection with Bristol City Council. - Proposal to build 44 residential units along the railway cutting:
set out our reasons for objecting to the scheme.
FOBB has successfully asked the Bristol City Council to:
- be part of the Strategic Harbour Review in 2020
- re-consider testing water quality in the Basin
- remove graffiti from walls and buildings
- erect new street name plates for Lower Guinea Street
- consider new street name plates for Phoenix Wharf
- remove waste material from the car park
- remove two tree stumps close to the Iron Foundry to improve road safety.
FOBB has supported
- the request for funding for a public automatic external defibrillator
- the replacement of life rings around the Basin by the Harbour Master
Ongoing activities in 2020:
- the current campaigns – railway cutting development and the New Cut jetty
- keep a close watch on water and air quality
- participate in the Harbour Strategic Review
- investigate the possibility of a ‘floating wetlands’ in the Basin.