Cumberland Road Bus Gate: update

The objections to a permanent Bus Gate on Cumberland Road have been unsuccessful.  John Smith (Interim Executive Director: Growth & Regeneration) has told us: ‘After careful consideration I decided to proceed with making the Orders as advertised.’

Reasons against the Bus Gate included:

  • The M2 MetroBus does not run frequent enough and is never full and therefore does not
    require a bus gate to the detriment of the many other road users.
  • It will force local residents and other motorists to increase the distances travelled by car
    around the city, through already congested areas, increasing car mileage, traffic volumes and
    emissions/air quality. In particular on Coronation Road, which is already heavily trafficked
    compared to Cumberland Road.

Smith’s reasons are somewhat general in nature: ‘In making this decision I considered that the scheme would achieve elements of the wider transport policy aspirations of the City Council’s overall transport strategy, as set out in the Joint Local Transport Plan 2020-2036.’ Driving from the west the only route available to Bathurst Basin residents will continue to be along Coronation Road.

Read our original post on this traffic order.



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