eDNA analysis of the Floating Harbour
Environmental DNA analysis of the Floating Harbour has detected the presence of threatened fish species including the critically endangered European eel.

Antisocial behaviour
There has been an unwelcome spate of antisocial behaviour involving residences close to Bathurst Basin, including window smashing and car vandalism.

Harbour developments
A forthcoming ‘Harbour Place Shaping Strategy’ will examine how planned growth at Temple Quarter, the City Centre and Western Harbour will impact on the Harbour.

New attractions on Lower Guinea Street
Two significant developments along Lower Guinea Street: new and extended Sanchez restaurants and a new hair salon in the General.

Security fencing along Commercial Road
Bristol City Council is seeking planning permission to erect security fencing along a section south of Commercial Road along the edge of the New Cut. We have objected to this scheme.

Work has now started on the derelict O & M Shed converting it to a food and music venue called BOXHALL.

Bench trashed and repaired
Despite work by FOBB and Bristol Harbour Estates Office, antisocial behaviour has recently damaged a Bathurst Basin bench beyond repair.

Redcliffe Bridge diversions
Diversion signs along Bathurst Parade help cyclists and pedestrians find their way to the City avoiding Redcliffe Bascule Bridge which is closed for repair.

Lighting restored
The City Council has erected new LCD lighting by the King Edward VII Wing and the Iron Foundry, restoring lighting which was removed when building work started.

Kennet and Avon Canal Race
The finish of the Kennet and Avon Canal Race was once again hosted by the John Sebastian this year. The 145 mile race follows canal, river and railway paths from Little Venice in London to Bristol’s Bathurst Basin.

Festival litter
During the recent Harbour Festival, visitors to Bathurst Basin and drinkers at the Ostrich Pub left a substantial volume of litter behind, including a large volume of cigarette ends.

Quayside planters
The concrete planters on Bathurst Parade are in full bloom. Placed there by the Harbourmaster’s office, they were largely ignored until individuals from Merchants Landing Residents Association agreed to plant and maintain them.

Fly tipping
We are concerned that the space in the Bathurst Basin car park where the bins are located may now be used by fly tippers.

Harbour dangers
Notices recently posted by the Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS) remind visitors of the dangers of injury or drowning in the Harbour’s cold water, especially after drinking.

Jubilee weekend at the Basin
Despite the threatening weather, Bathurst Parade residents met for their second celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – the first being Merchants Landing Residents Association Garden Party held the previous day.

Casamia to close
Casamia is to close in August. Executive chef Zak Hitchman blames rapidly increasing costs which have made the business financially unviable

Improved Phoenix Wharf steps
Bristol Harbour Estates Office respond with commendable speed to FOBB concerns over the steps from Phoenix Wharf to Redcliffe Parade.

Paco Tapas improvements
Paco Tapas restaurant have made substantial changes to their seating and plan to take over the neighbouring Pizza restaurant.

Pirates of Penzance
Cabot Cruising Club are raising funds by hosting Cardiff Opera’s production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s opera The Pirates of Penzance.

Street art brightens Bathurst Basin
The dull grey fencing to the left of the Ostrich Inn was brightened on Easter Saturday by Zed, a Bristol artist commissioned by the Ostrich.